Monday, December 18, 2017



Angel Eyes

As I was doing a research about the film noir, I found this song pops up on Youtube and it was used in one of the film-noir. so I decided to do a research more about this song and printed it out and asked Chelsea Chao, my classmate in Media lesson to play and teach me how to play this song.


Setting up a scene


lighting in Film noir

The basics of lighting for film noir


Thursday, December 7, 2017

Headmaster Interview

A talk from Brandon Wignall, the headmaster about Blade Runner 2046

Mr. Wignall was so interested in the filmnoir as it was his faviourite film, especially, Blade runner. I fond his interview very informative and useful because he gave us all his knowledge about the film noir and the development through out the decade. It was a motivative lecture as I could apply some of his knowlege and use it in my coursework. For example, the Blade runner film, he was talking about his favourite scene and comparision between now and then, how the editing and representation are used and why he liked Film-noir.

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