Thursday, February 22, 2018


This includes transition of image and sound

  • Continuity system
  • Non-continuity system

Continuity system

A system of cutting used to maintain continuous and clear narrative action by following a set of rule.
The illusion temporal and special continuity invisible editing

  • The narrative has a structure 
  • The shot sequences flow seamlessly into each other 
  • It's easy to watch the film

The rules/technique of editing 
  • Establishing shot 
  • Shot or shot-reverse shot
  • 180-degree rule
  • 30 degrees rule
  • Cross-cutting
  • Match on action
  • Eyeline Match
  • Re-establishing shot


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Film title

Cashing cheques (for my cheating husband)

Fonts that I used 

Cashing cheques               -Blessed Day

For my cheating husband   -Hand shop typography

Font Style

Fonts used in FIlm noir  this website gave me the idea

My job in the Group was to Design the title of our film noir called
"Cashing Cheques ( for my cheating husband)"

As I was looking at the fonts ides for my Film noir's poster design, I noticed that the fonts that were used in 1980s are so much different from now.

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