Sunday, October 28, 2018

Film Distributors

Film Distributors are responsible for

  • Finding exhibitors to screeen the film
  • Ensure there are enough copies of the film
  • Providing the advertising material
  • A film will usually have a different distributor for DVD releases and each country

This is a list of the UK Film Distributors


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Barthes Narrative code



Levi Strauss's theory (Binary Opposition)


It is the idea that sign's meaning is derived from its context and help to thicken the plot and further the narrative and introduce a contrast.
We only understand language by using a system of opposition, the most extreme. And use this Theory to;
-Analyse narratives by looking at the conflicts within.

Within the narratives, they usually have a dominant side depending upon the nature of the text. This will help us to identify the ideology of the text we are analysing.

Propp's theory


He argued that there might be in a narrative/story that you can group together the characters into 8 roles:

Each role could, however, be shared by more than one character, and one character could take on more than one role


Todorov's Theory


Todorov believes that as the story progresses the state of equilibrium can change, giving one person more power or authority over another throughout the plot, keeping the audience entertained. Each story should start with an initial Status Quo/Power set up of a person or within a group. This person or group has authority over others. 

All stories should have;

  • Beginning
  • Middle
  • End


Time, setting and the key characters of the story; 
their lives in a "normal" situation.
 We will see how they live, what they do, their social standing, and will identify their key characteristics.


The equilibrium is broken by some sort of event, action or problem. -the distribution 
-the narrative drive is then is everyone tries to return to a state or normality, or equilibrium, in other words, to solve the problem.

The state of non-normality in the middle of the film is known as disequilibrium.


Normality must have been restored, and the reason for the distribution alleviated. this narrative closure can only occur when all the strands have been tied up, and enigmas resolved. this is known as the resolution or a return to equilibrium.

He argued that stories all begin in “equilibrium” when all forces are in balance. This is disrupted by a problem to cause “disequilibrium”. Then more events take place before a “new equilibrium” is established.

IDEOLOGY of Todorov's theory

The views of the world put forward as a personal belief, ethical values etc.
there is some of the film producer's own belief applied in every time they are making their films. And by analysing the Narrative structure can really help you work out what this ideology is.

For example;

  • In a narrative,  the equilibrium is in a "normal" stage and disequilibrium is "not normal", so we need to find what is it disturbing the event. 
  • Look and notice the disequilibrium and equilibrium in carefully. 
  • See what is the difference., what is classed as a "normal" and "not normal"
  • what is the disruption that 'normality' (the enigma)


Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The narrative structure is consisting of 7 main Codes and Conventions:

  • Voiceover
  • Point of view shots
  • Flashback
  • Enigma code
  • Action code
  • Privileged spectator position

1) Voiceover

2) Point of views

 3) Flashback

4) Camera movement

 5) Enigma code

 6) Action code

7) Privileged spectator position 


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Audience Questionaries and results

I created an Audience questionnaires surveys and gave my friends to answer. This is to notice what are their majority answers and their characteristics towards these question

There are the 10 film trailer questions

  1. What is your gender?
  2. What age group are you?
  3. What film genre do you like?
  4. Which one do you prefer?
  5. What platform would you watch a trailer from?
  6. Do you prefer trailers where the narrative is clear to the point where there are spoilers and why?
  7. Which character would you like to see in a thriller movie?
  8. Which of the following is significant for a good movie in your opinion?
  9. Where do you expect a thriller movie to be located?
  10. What is your favourite Thriller movie?

These are the results of a survey that I did


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Narrative Theories

There are four different theories applied in films

  1. Tzretan Todorov's 
  2. Propp's
  3. Levi Strauss (Binary Opposition)
  4. Roland Barthes


Monday, October 1, 2018

Distribution of film trailer

There are some examples of the film trailer distribution

  • TV Adverts or Posters
  • Social media network
  • Mobile and any devices
  • Word of mouth
  • Broadcast
  • Trailer


Difference between Teaser Trailer and Theatrical Trailer


Theatrical trailer


-An important part of the film marketing campaign
-It basically is an advert for a film
-To inform the Target audience about the film
-To encourage the audience to see the movie
-To show which case numbers feature in the movie
-To show which genre the film is


Teaser Trailer


They don't reveal any significant plot details and are meant only to give a minor glimpse as what is to come.
An analysis of one of my chosen Teaser trailer, Annabelle.


Codes and Conventions of Trailer

There are so many codes and conventions of Trailer films even though they all are in a different genre. They stick to general rules because they have been tried, tested and equal successful trailer if followed.

Here are six features that are commonly used in every film trailers:

  1. Greenscreen
  2. Logo of Distributor
  3. Tagline
  4. Unique Selling Point (USP)
  5. Movie Title
  6. Blurb

All the conventions used in the trailer that have all purpose of promoting the trailer and providing to the audiences that how good and worthy is it of being watched

History of trailer

The 1960s was when the trailer was when the Auteurs redefined the trailer. A new generation of star directors began to redefine the trailer and among them was the legendary Alfred `Hitchcock. Instead of showing scenes from the movie
Hitchcock, who had become well know from the audiences by presenting TV series, using his gallows style in the trailer for 1960s Psycho

who is the MPAA?

MPAA or The Motion Picture Association of America, film rating system is used in the United States and its territories to rate a film's suitability for certain audiences based on its content.

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