Sunday, November 18, 2018

Target Audience

Identifying and describing the Target audience.

All mass media texts are made for a particular audience. The target audience for the producers means that the audience we think we are making this product for. Media producers identify the target audience during the planning stage for a media text. This is because it affects the shape of the text so much. that also the reason why you must decide what the target audience for a text us before you can really begin to analyse it in detail.

For example:

Is the text made for children or for retired people

Is it for a male or female audiences

Is it for an existing audience or seeking to create a new audience?

Is it targeted at people living in a particular part of the country?

Is it targeted ar people living in a particular part of the country?

Is it targeted at people in a particular income bracket?

Is it for a particular type of audiences such as aspirers or homemakers?

Is it for a narrow audience or broad audience?

Target audiences can be identified into 2 segments:

  • Psychographic segmentation
  • Demographic segmentation


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