Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Camera Angles

  • Wide/Long angle shot    Usually at the beginning of the film, emphasises sweeping location                                              around the film
  • Extreme long shot          Far from the subject Location needs to be emphasised
  • Mid/Medium shot          The most common, shot from waist upwards
  • Two shot                        2 characters facing the same screen
  • Shoulder shot                 Showing a conversation between 2 characters
  • Shot reverse shot           A conversation, one character is looking at another character
  • Close up shot                 Emotion shot, emphasises someone's emotion, can be objects
  • Extreme Close up shot   Shows small details e.g. eyes, mouth, side of the face,  can also be                                               detail of the object
  • Establishing shot           Introducing new location
  • Mastershot                     Similar to Establishing hot but camera records the same potion with                                             the same lens, continuing shot
  • Insert shot                      Don't usually focus on people, emphasises an object that is relevant to                                         a clue, filmed with different angles to 
  • Cutaway shot                 Interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else
  • Reaction shot                 Emotional reaction, reacting to a main scene,  usually a close up shot
  • Low angle shot             "Worm-Eye view", makes the subject appears larger than normal,                                                  helps to establish a dominant and power
  • High angle shot            "Bird-Eye view",  makes the subject look small and vulnerable 
  • Point of view shot         When camera becomes the eye of the person
  • Aerial shot                     Known as a "Bird's eye shot", Using Crane or Drone An exterior shot                                          filmed from far above.   


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