Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Linear and Non-linear Narrative

Narrative refers to telling a story through the presentation of events 

How stories are told.
They are set out to show us in the text, which makes us, the reader like to understand the set of conventions.
It is important to be aware of how these conventions are put together.

There are different narratives:

Linear Narrative

Linear Narrative is referred to the order in which events are portrayed corresponds to the order in which they occur. stories told using the narrative structure will have a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Linear will go straight line or normally in chronological order.
They might begin with a description of the setting, have events leading up to the climax, the point where there is the most tension or drama in the story. And end with a resolution in which all the problems that arose during the narrative are either resolved or accepted

Non-Linear Narrative

Where events are portrayed, 

For example out of chronological order, 
or in other ways where the narrative doesn't follow the direct causality pattern of the events featured, such as parallel distinctive plot lines. 
This will be a story told out of order and can often be confusing for the viewers and often used to mimic the structure and recall of human memory but has been applied for other reasons as well.

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