Monday, November 5, 2018

Trailer structure


Every film trailers are most often created to show the audiences what the film is about. When trailers are released, they are to encouraged them to want to see and it's very important not to show too much of the storyline; otherwise, people will not want to see the whole finished film because they have already known from the trailer

There are following lists which describe what trailers should include:

Film Genre

Try to include shots of locations and key moments from your story so your audience can work out the genre of your film


It is to explain the background or history. This could be made up of a series of shots building up to the main event in your story.  Some films, they have included some of the first scenes before the characters enter the forest and then a few shots of them playing around in the forest. This helps to introduce the characters and gives some background to the story.


 It would be better to introduce your audience to the characters in your film. By including important moments from your story and key moments from your actors, your audience can get to know your characters and work out their role in your film.


Audiences like to see emotions and expressions in a trailer as this helps them to understand the emotions they will feel when watching the film. 


The ending is one of the important part of your film trailer because it’s where you leave your audience. By the end of the trailer, your audience will make their minds up about your film and whether or not they want to see the full version.

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