Monday, November 5, 2018

Unconventional Narrative

A traditional narrative follows a Dramatic, Chronological plot arc of rising action, a climatic event. Many writers have created new stories and turned this concept up site down so that they can explore in different kinds of story structure.

While traditional narratives typically focus only on the main character's point of view, unconventional narratives often let audiences see the story through different characters' eyes. Often, authors use this technique to show the same incident from multiple perspectives, revealing how they interpret the events according to their own desires and needs

Unconventional narrative structures allow for a closer look at the characters' internal conflicts. While a traditional storyline continually moves forward, many writers use flashbacks to give readers a glimpse of significant events from the characters' pasts.

Because writers often choose to tell the story out of order or work backwards from the ending, unconventional narratives create suspense and intrigue. 


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