Sunday, January 6, 2019

Representation of Phobia


Psychogenic is an esp of disorders or symptoms of mental, rather than origin. Psychogenic is originating in the mind, mental or emotional progress; having a psychological rather than a physiological origin. it was used of certain disorders 
Richard Dyer

Richard Dyer's Theory 

Phobia an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation. A phobia is classified as a type of anxiety disorder since anxiety is the chief symptom experienced by the sufferer. 
Fear can differ across the sub-genres.

Psychiatrists formed an Anxiety disorder and classify phobias as a single type of anxiety disorder. they are characterised by intense and irrational fears of an object or situation that poses no real threat.

  A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. It is generally held that phobias occur when fear produced by an original threatening situation is transferred to other similar situations, with the original fear often repressed or forgotten. 

Excessive, unreasoning fear of water, for example, may be based on a forgotten childhood experience of almost drowning. 

The anxiety they experience is so strong that it interferes with their quality of life and/ or their ability to function. 
When someone has a real phobia, they spend an inordinate amount of time or make an unnecessarily large effort to avoid the thing they fear.
This is why some people have never swum, or cannot swim

However, it's always in the film visually expressing through the use of camera angles. 

The feeling of fears are very common but Diagnosable phobias are not 

Phobias also come in three different forms:

1. Specific – This is when there is a specific object or situation causing fear, such as dogs, heights or flying.
2. Social – These phobias revolve around social situations and are linked to social anxiety disorder.

3. Agoraphobia – This phobia is the fear of being in a place or situation that is perceived to be hard to escape from.
A fear reaction happens whenever we sense danger or when we are confronted with something new or unknown that seems potentially dangerous. Most people tend to avoid the things they feel afraid of. There are, of course, exceptions such as people who seek out the thrill of extreme sports because the rush of fear can be exciting. We all experience fear slightly differently and with more or less intensity.


I have chosen one form, specific phobia, Which is a" FEAR OF WATER"Excessive, unreasoning fear of water.

Water phobia is a very common fear that most people know about and the majority of the population are struggling to face.

People who have in any specific object of phobia often spend considerable time worrying about water, spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring they do not come in contact with water and will avoid places and activities in order to avoid as far as possible.

Water fear may be based on a forgotten childhood experience of almost drowning. 

"A phobia can be treated medically. BUT Fear cannot be treated medically"


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