Monday, March 18, 2019

Day 1 to Day 3


On the first day, I went to the flower market in Thailand to buy a bunch of roses, which is the main subject of my film



In one of my scenes, I wanted to shoot a shot of Archie's old notes that he gave ina every day with a rose. And to make it realistic, I found a Youtube video on how to make a note look old.

Firstly, I made a coffee and left to old, then I dipped a piece of paper on both sides and let it dry.

leave it for couple hours and then the paper will turn brown and look old.

Then I wrote words in the note, rolled it and put it in the vase with a rose petal that I bought from yesterday mixed with 1 month aged rose that I also bought before.


Day 3

On the Third day, I also went to the shopping centre to find some jewellery that could be included in the film, such as a necklace and earrings

Then I came back to my apartment to set up all the props. I tried to set up all the props and location as much as possible so that on the shooting day I don't need to rush and avoid mistakes during the film.

This is a shelf of Nina and Anin's room



It took me about 30 mins to organise each shelf, including the magazines and picture frames

Deciding which colour to use for the filming

 2 cupids and 2 teddy bears 

N (Nina) A (Anin/Archie) I played with the name of the character As I want the audiences/viewers to believe that A is Archie(couple cup),   but actually, it is Anin, her twin 



I also painted a Gemini star, which represents Twins and printed out all the pictures of the characters as a prop.

I used  "Canon EOS 500D" to film all the footages. 

 I feel like this could be a great location shot to film for indoor in case if the Balcony scenes wouldn't work.


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