Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Film-noir film

  • Cole Smith             Connor Davies     (Male Protagonist)
  • Veronica Payne      Georgia Mytton    (Femme Fetale)

Camera Movements


How to avoid creating motion sickness in an audience

Under the 180 degrees’ rule, Camera must remain on one side of an imaginary line bisecting characters

    •  Zoom    When the camera lens changes focal length, camera itself DOES NOT change
    •  Pan         "Panorama"  turn Horizontally, it sweeps around the scene
    •  Tilted     Up or Down, Vertically panning/ Diagonal Pan


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Camera Angles

  • Wide/Long angle shot    Usually at the beginning of the film, emphasises sweeping location                                              around the film
  • Extreme long shot          Far from the subject Location needs to be emphasised
  • Mid/Medium shot          The most common, shot from waist upwards
  • Two shot                        2 characters facing the same screen
  • Shoulder shot                 Showing a conversation between 2 characters
  • Shot reverse shot           A conversation, one character is looking at another character
  • Close up shot                 Emotion shot, emphasises someone's emotion, can be objects
  • Extreme Close up shot   Shows small details e.g. eyes, mouth, side of the face,  can also be                                               detail of the object
  • Establishing shot           Introducing new location
  • Mastershot                     Similar to Establishing hot but camera records the same potion with                                             the same lens, continuing shot
  • Insert shot                      Don't usually focus on people, emphasises an object that is relevant to                                         a clue, filmed with different angles to 
  • Cutaway shot                 Interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else
  • Reaction shot                 Emotional reaction, reacting to a main scene,  usually a close up shot
  • Low angle shot             "Worm-Eye view", makes the subject appears larger than normal,                                                  helps to establish a dominant and power
  • High angle shot            "Bird-Eye view",  makes the subject look small and vulnerable 
  • Point of view shot         When camera becomes the eye of the person
  • Aerial shot                     Known as a "Bird's eye shot", Using Crane or Drone An exterior shot                                          filmed from far above.   


Blade Runner


Using "Voice-thread" for the first time

I found it quite difficult to use as it was my first time attempting it. However, this programme was very easy to follow and use. 


Friday 17th November 2017

I went to watch the "Blade Runner 2049" with the School.  I must have said that it was quite dull as the film itself comparing to the normal films. It was overlong, the cutting each of those drawn-out shots by like 4 seconds probably would have gotten the movie closer to 2 hours. concentrate as he plots were not that clear, even my friends found it hard to follow and understand the normal films.
I didn't enjoy the film that much because it wasn't my type of genre that I would watch in everyday life.
Unfortunately, this film has not been a successes


Neo Noir


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Femme Fetale Band


Femme Fetale is an american band formed up with all the female artists. The Femme Fetale Band was formed in 1987 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They existed very shortly as a aband and recorded only one Lorraine Lewis.


Script tested


This is the trial of my Film-noir script before I actually filmed it with my friends. It's just a brief of what I would do in my actual film.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Life in film

 An interview of Sam, the film and music producer with Mr. Coupe.



In here, Sam has been put in the challenge that he had to describe one of the 'Toy story' scene but without the sound. He was talking about how the camera angle was used to describe the the situation, the facial expression on the character without hearing anything.
He also had mentioned about the transitions, how important it was in the film. It can be used between the conversation or a flashback.

Center point




I was concerned about my first time writing the script. I must have said this was the most  was terrifying and challenging thing in the film noir. This part seems to be the most important thing in terms of Filming as you have to get the script right before all the filming process starts. So I decided to come to Media clinic on Thursday afternoon and  showed my film noir  script to Mrs.Hutchings. We had a discussion with her as I find this was an issue, my script was not clear and quite hard to follow.

Whilst the discussing,  Miss came across to the word " Proxemics". Firstly, I had no idea what this word means until Miss. Shubert head of Drama. She explained the terminology and how the Proxemics are used in the drama and liked in Media


Monday, November 13, 2017

Make up


Smoky eye 

I used the dark shade of the eyeshadow that I have in my room. I applied it on her eye lip

  1. Apply the white eyeshadow on her entire eyelid as a base to bring up the darker colour
  2. Use the nude pink on the crease and blend it to create the dept 
  3. on the corner, use black eyeshadow to create the smoky eye

Eye Liner

I used the liquid liner to create the cat liner. In every Femme Fetale character in film noirs, they all have wing or cat liner. this is because it gives the character more fierce and brings out her sexiness and attract the opposite sex.
I find it very difficult to draw the cat eye as you have to be very calm and patient

I also use the pencil liner one and drew it on her water line on her bottom line to make her eyes look bigger


 Arch and filled eyebrows. very defined and shape eyebrows. I used the gel with the angle brush to fill her eyebrows. This technique is good because so I can be more precise and can create the arch of the brow.
I also highlighted the bottom of the brows the make the brows shape look even better and this very helps to define the shape of her eyebrows.


Applied it on top and bottom lashes


Lip liner

I used the lip liner first before applying the actual lipstick on. I find this very helpful as you will know where the lipstick will go and you won't make a mess. It also will define and shape the lips as the Femme Fetales character. Red lipstick will bring out the whole tire face and eyes


  1. Cheekbone
  2. Jawline

Finished look

I played with her hair, trying to do lots of different hair styles like;Ponytail
  • Hair down 
  • Hair all on one side of her shoulder
  • Ponytail
I noticed that all of the Femme Fetale characters in the films always have their hair curls and I find that very interesting because the Curl gives the volume the the face and more sexy at the same time.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017



This is the script that I wrote, then I came to Mrs. Hutchings and Mrs. McClelland to discussed whether I should addd more descriptions or anything into my dialogue or not.


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