Sunday, January 13, 2019

successful film marketing campaign


Naturally, viral marketing has become a popular business strategy to spread ideas and information between people in much the same way as a virus, creating the potential for exponential growth as the message rapidly multiplies –by creating a huge buzz along the way.
 Before Social media and other platforms existed, most of the successful viral marketing campaign of all time before was so small and in a low budget. there was no use of the internet 

The Blair Witch 

It is one of the most successful film marketing projects that has gone viral in the recent year.  The Blair Witch Project is the story of three student filmmakers, who are investigating the supernatural legend known as the Blair Witch in the town of Burkittsville, Maryland.
The publicity campaign for The Blair Witch Project was simply the most inventive, terrifying and successful campaign in film history. Undoubtedly, part of the reason for its success was that it was the first film to be widely marketed online. 


marketing strategies

What is Marketing Strategies?

Marketing Strategies is the usage of an appropriate media mix in order to achieve desired and optimum outcomes from the advertising campaign. It also plays an important key role in Advertising campaigns and designed to achieve the target but also need to keep in mind to always not to invest more than a maximum budget. this is very useful for very entrepreneurs 

Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns they don't just do movies, they also use other digital technologies or we call it social media that will maintain the customers' satisfaction. Most movie campaigns are some of the most attention-grabbing pieces of marketing out there, and there are ones aimed at just about every single person out there

Apart from trailers that have been released to keep the audiences attached,  with so much going on, these days movie makers have almost always got to invent more creativities than just put out trailers, which will dull and leaves viewers desperate for more even though that always the best way. nowadays, most of the big companies are trying to compete for each other by launching new campaigns through each platform which are influenced and suitable for the new generation's lifestyles. §You may be surprised at just how wide-reaching these amazing movie marketing campaigns are.

TIMING is very critical as you need to know when is the right time to advertise, especially with respect to the seasonal products

Every film productions choose where to promote or advertise their current films. It is one of the most important things in the industry.
This could be done in so many different ways 

For example:

  • Website
  • Poster
  • Campaigns
  • Merchandise
  • Blogs
  • Billboards
  • TV
  • Radio 
  • Newspaper 
  • Brochures 

There are two types of Media that can basically be adopted

1) Media Concentration approach 
In this approach, firms concentrate their campaigns only on a few media types (generally two or three) in order to reach their target consumers instead of using a wide variety of media types.

2) Media Dispersion Approach- 

In media dispersion approach a wide variety of different media categories is employed to reach the target customers. It is employed when the entire target market can’t be reached by a few media types.


Viral marketing campaigns


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Logo designs


This is a process of my work. It was my first attempt using Illustrator(Ai)

I used the digital pen to draw a  shape of human's face with a connotation of 2 persons in one. I also played around with so many different ideas by flipping,  reflected the picture or even turn it upside down but it didn't really work.  I think i will practise more of it often

IIlustrator (Ai)

Learning how to use Ai for my film poster

This is one of the poster ideas for my film

The process and journey 


This is the original hand, which represents the hand of the protagonist.

Abby's hand

Red represents the danger.
The circle in the middle means the ring, which is one of the main props in the film.

2 rings suggest the identical, twins.

This also suggests twins as it shows 2 different sides and characters of 2 identical people

N  = Nina
A  = Anin


Log line

When jealousy becomes so overwhelming that one can do anything. A perfect girl's life suddenly is put in danger...

privileged life girl of one pretty girl, e. A dilemma between a jealousy and friendship.

What could possibly go wrong to live in a privileged life like princess Nina, a pretty girl who was born with everything handed in for her, a wealthy family, and admirable boyfriend?. A perfect life that all the people around her would be so jealous. But everybody has a secret, right? and you know the role of keeping them. What really matters is how long will you keep them for...


Sunday, January 6, 2019

Representation of Phobia


Psychogenic is an esp of disorders or symptoms of mental, rather than origin. Psychogenic is originating in the mind, mental or emotional progress; having a psychological rather than a physiological origin. it was used of certain disorders 
Richard Dyer

Richard Dyer's Theory 

Phobia an extreme, irrational fear of a specific object or situation. A phobia is classified as a type of anxiety disorder since anxiety is the chief symptom experienced by the sufferer. 
Fear can differ across the sub-genres.

Psychiatrists formed an Anxiety disorder and classify phobias as a single type of anxiety disorder. they are characterised by intense and irrational fears of an object or situation that poses no real threat.

  A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. It is generally held that phobias occur when fear produced by an original threatening situation is transferred to other similar situations, with the original fear often repressed or forgotten. 

Excessive, unreasoning fear of water, for example, may be based on a forgotten childhood experience of almost drowning. 

The anxiety they experience is so strong that it interferes with their quality of life and/ or their ability to function. 
When someone has a real phobia, they spend an inordinate amount of time or make an unnecessarily large effort to avoid the thing they fear.
This is why some people have never swum, or cannot swim

However, it's always in the film visually expressing through the use of camera angles. 

The feeling of fears are very common but Diagnosable phobias are not 

Phobias also come in three different forms:

1. Specific – This is when there is a specific object or situation causing fear, such as dogs, heights or flying.
2. Social – These phobias revolve around social situations and are linked to social anxiety disorder.

3. Agoraphobia – This phobia is the fear of being in a place or situation that is perceived to be hard to escape from.
A fear reaction happens whenever we sense danger or when we are confronted with something new or unknown that seems potentially dangerous. Most people tend to avoid the things they feel afraid of. There are, of course, exceptions such as people who seek out the thrill of extreme sports because the rush of fear can be exciting. We all experience fear slightly differently and with more or less intensity.


I have chosen one form, specific phobia, Which is a" FEAR OF WATER"Excessive, unreasoning fear of water.

Water phobia is a very common fear that most people know about and the majority of the population are struggling to face.

People who have in any specific object of phobia often spend considerable time worrying about water, spend an inordinate amount of time ensuring they do not come in contact with water and will avoid places and activities in order to avoid as far as possible.

Water fear may be based on a forgotten childhood experience of almost drowning. 

"A phobia can be treated medically. BUT Fear cannot be treated medically"


Risk assessment



As my filmings are all based in Thailand, so I need to make sure that I get all the videos taken and should have extra spares videos just in case some scenes better. Over the exeat week, I have been looking around for the locations, where would suit best for my film package, and finally came up that my flat or apartment is the most perfect location to be shot. For example, the swimming pool scenes.


I'm thinking to shoot it in 2 different swimming pool, one indoor and the other one is outdoor. But the point is that the outdoor would be very difficult to control people being in the scene, sounds and lightings when indoors have more privacy but there have an opening and closing times to use the facility.


Nationality representation


 good skills in fighting, determined, inelegant, physically weak and ruthless


 Male actors are used for the protagonist and sex appeal for Female actors in both American and British as the appearance is quite mass


 Seen as sex symbols easy going and approachable, Lazy,


  normally Gangsters, criminal, violence, hero and athletic


  often imitated by white people in the entertainment, generally represented in a negative light in films


Synopsis and Logline


What could possibly go wrong to live in a privileged life like princess Nina, a pretty girl who was born with everything handed in for her, a wealthy family, and admirable boyfriend?. A perfect life that all the people around her would be so jealous. But everybody has a secret, right? and you know the role of keeping them. What really matters is how long will you keep them for...


When jealousy becomes so overwhelming that one can do anything. A perfect girl's life suddenly is put in danger...



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